REFORESTATION – The over all goal of the whole project Águia de Pedra is to live in harmony and balance with, in and from the nature. Therefore, one of the biggest and longest projects is the reforestation of more than one hectare with natural forest. It takes a lot of efforts and sometimes man power to get all the ground cleared, prune and care the trees. Currently we’re planting different kinds of oak and wild olive trees. As we want to plant a broader variety of trees like chesnut or ash tree we need another well to water them until they can survive on their own. More forest will save our clima and the future of our kids. For this we need money and I ask you to donate for this project. Calculated cost are around 3.750€. Actual donations (24.08.2024) 1.514,00€. Every little helps. Please donate for this project and mention “donation Refo2”. Thank you very much.
Video on YouTube: Reforesting part 1

ECOBUILDING – As we know that building with cement and sand is using a lot of recources (energy, fracking etc) and that it’s not good for our world we would like to share our knownledge as cheap as possible to the community of foreigners as well as to the portuguese people. For this we need clay, hey and tools to make cob, wood, material to build an eco mass heater and much more. The idea is to invite interested people to build and learn how to do and how nice and sustainable eco buildings can be. A real community and integration project. Calculated cost are around 2230€. Actual donations (24.08.2024) 126,00€. Every little helps. Please donate for this project and mention “donation Eco1”. Thank you very much.
All donations are 100% used in the projects. No swamp!
Realized Projects
SOLAR ENERGY – Our batteries of the solar are totaly gone and we need new ones. Of course is sustainability and energy at al important and essential to us. We have a need of 4 Batteries each around 530Ah. If you donate for this project you support us directly and we appreciate it very much. The total amount of this need is 1053,08€. Actual donations (05.01.2023) 486,50€ . CLOSED.
SCHOOLING – After the first try to found a free school failed we’re working on a better and new concept. We learned out of the first experience that giving the parents reponsibilities and having the concept in their hands does not work out at all. We need to make a clear frame. We need teacher. This new concept has not been totaly worked out yet but you can already donate for this project and so into the future. CLOSED.